The Wigginton-Eisenberg Laboratory works to provide wastewater testing data on multiple pathogens across south-east Michigan. The grid below provides an at-a-glance vision of the current state of wastewater levels. For more detailed information including graphs of this data over time, please visit each organism under the Pathogens tab. For more information about this system, you can click on the information icons ( ) throughout this dashboard or visit the About Page tab.

Testing for Adenovirus


Testing for Hepatitis A


Testing for Influenza


The primer set used for Mpox testing changed on 15 August 2024. For more information, please visit the About Page.

Testing for Mpox


Testing for Norovirus


Note: The original GII methodology has been retired since August 2024. For more information, visit the About Page.

Testing for Rotavirus


Testing for RSV


Testing for SARS-CoV-2


Catchment Area Maps

Ann Arbor WWTP

Flint WWTP

Jackson WWTP

Tecumseh WWTP

Ypsilanti WWTP

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    1. Overview of Process
    2. Sample Collection and Reporting Schedule
  2. Tertile Levels
  3. Clinical Correlation
    1. SARS-CoV-2
    2. Influenza A
  4. Trends
    1. Modification of CDC Trends
    2. SWEEP Trend
  5. Additional Calculations
  6. Case Data & Proxies
    1. COVID-19 Case Data
    2. Influenza Hospitalization Data
    3. Google Trends
    4. RSV Hospitalizations
    5. Rotavirus Positive Tests
  7. Infographic Downloads
    1. For SARS-CoV-2
  8. Laboratory Methods
    1. Influent SARS-CoV-2
    2. Influent Norovirus & Rotavirus
    3. Solids Processing
  9. Wastewater Treatment Plants
  10. About Wastewater Testing - General
    1. History
    2. Considerations in Testing and Evaluation
    3. SARS-CoV-2 Development
  11. Citations
  12. Other Wastewater Detection Dashboards
  13. Dashboard Update Timeline

Contact Us

To contact us, please email

The Team

  • Dr. Krista Wigginton
  • Dr. Marisa Eisenberg
  • Dr. Betsy Foxman
  • Dr. Michelle Ammerman
  • Dr. Felipe de Paula Nogueira Cruz
  • Kate Kusiak Galvin
  • Betsy Salzman
  • Stephanie Iorga
  • Vanessa Slack
  • Ahmard Clay

Previously, the team’s data was displayed at the following site:

For more information regarding the work done by the team, please visit:

Acknowledgements & Partners

Wastewater Treatment Plant Partners:

  • Ann Arbor Wastewater Treatment Plant
  • Jackson Wastewater Treatment Plant
  • Flint Wastewater Treatment Plant
  • Tecumseh Wastewater Plant
  • Ypsilanti Community Utilities Authority

Health Departments:

  • Genesee County Health Department
  • Jackson County Health Department
  • Lenawee County Health Department
  • Washtenaw County Health Department
  • Michigan Department of Health and Human Services


This work is funded by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and the University of Michigan.

Team Alumni

  • Dr. Kevin Bakker
  • Kaitlyn Chin
  • Shreya Mullapudi
  • Khaitlyn Figueroa
  • Rachel Learman
  • Jinyi Cai

The Dashboard

This dashboard was created by Julie (Jules) Gilbert.


Wastewater-based epidemiology requires cooperation and coordination between many different groups and people, in order to best balance resources and data timeliness.

Overview of Process